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Writer's pictureDanielle Guy

Creating Your Life with Intention: The ADCA Approach


Life is a journey, and how we navigate it is a conscious choice. Instead of allowing life to simply unfold, you can take the reins and shape your own path. This shift from being a passive observer to an active participant is the essence of intentional living.

Intentional living involves taking control, setting clear goals, and aligning your actions with your core values and deepest desires. In this blog post, we'll explore how to apply the ADCA coaching model (Assess, Develop, Create, and Apply) to lead a life filled with purpose and fulfilment.

1. Assess Your Values

The first step toward intentional living is assessing your values. Take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you. Identify the core principles and beliefs that serve as your life's compass. Are your values centred around family, career, personal growth, health, or something entirely unique? Understanding your values lays the foundation for your intentional journey.

Exercise: Set aside some quiet time to create a list of your core values. Consider how these values have influenced your past decisions and the direction you want them to guide you in the future.


2. Develop Clear Goals

With your values as your guiding star, it's time to craft clear and specific goals. Utilising the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) criteria, you can create actionable objectives that resonate with your values. These goals serve as signposts, illuminating your intentional path.

Exercise: Choose one of your core values and set a SMART goal aligned with it. Write it down and outline the steps required to achieve it.


3. Create a Vision

Your vision is your mental canvas, painting a picture of your desired future. Your imagination is a powerful tool; use it to envision all aspects of your life, including your career, relationships, health, and personal development. This vision acts as a roadmap, guiding you toward your aspirations.

Exercise: Take some time to visualise your ideal future. What does it look like? Create a vision board or write a detailed description of your envisioned life.


4. Apply Planning and Organization

Intentional living requires practical planning and organization. Develop strategies and action plans tailored to your goals and values. Prioritise tasks, create schedules and break down large goals into manageable steps. This organization is vital for turning your vision into reality.

Exercise: Review your goals and create a monthly action plan. Identify tasks, deadlines, and necessary resources to help you stay on track.


5. Apply Mindfulness and Presence

Being present in the moment is essential for intentional living. It means immersing yourself fully in your current activities and savouring the journey, not just the destination. Mindfulness allows you to appreciate the small, meaningful moments that make up your life.

Exercise: Dedicate a few minutes each day to a mindfulness practice. It could be meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply savouring a quiet moment with your surroundings.


6. Assess Decisions Carefully

When faced with choices, pause and evaluate how each option aligns with your values and goals. Make decisions that resonate with your intentional life, even if it means declining opportunities that don't serve your long-term vision.

Exercise: The next time you're confronted with a decision, take a moment to assess whether it aligns with your values and goals. Use this assessment to guide your choice.


7. Create a Balance of Your Priorities

Balancing priorities is essential in intentional living. Strive to find harmony among your values and goals, ensuring no aspect of your life is neglected during your journey.

Exercise: Identify the key priorities in your life and assess whether they are in balance. Make adjustments to allocate time and energy to areas that may need more attention.


8. Apply Continuous Growth

Commit to lifelong learning and personal development. Embrace a growth mindset, adapt to changing circumstances, and use new knowledge to shape your life. Intentional living involves continuous evolution.

Exercise: Explore a new area of personal development that aligns with your goals. Consider taking a course, reading a book, or attending a workshop to expand your horizons.


9. Apply Resilience and Gratitude

Challenges and setbacks are inevitable in life. Embrace them with resilience, viewing failures as valuable lessons and stepping stones toward growth. Cultivate gratitude by acknowledging the positive aspects of your life, maintaining a positive outlook, and staying motivated.

Exercise: During challenging times, maintain a gratitude journal to record three things you're grateful for each day. This practice can boost resilience and positivity.


10. Regularly Review Your Journey

Periodically review your progress on this intentional living journey. Assess whether you're still aligned with your values and goals, and be open to making adjustments when necessary. An ongoing review keeps your intentional living dynamic and adaptable.

Exercise: Set aside time at the end of each month to review your goals and accomplishments. Use this reflection to refine your action plans for the upcoming month.


Creating an intentional life using the ADCA coaching model is a potent approach to living a purpose-driven and fulfilling life. By assessing your values, developing clear goals, creating a vision, and applying mindful and deliberate actions, you can lead a life that resonates with your deepest aspirations.

Remember, intentional living is not a destination but a continuous journey. Embrace it with resilience, gratitude, and a commitment to continuous growth. Your intentional life is waiting to be crafted by your choices and actions. Start shaping it today.

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